Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School

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School garden of the Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School during dry season
The standpost (well) of Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School supplying 400 students, the teachers and the neighborhood
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Vision and mission of the Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Toilets of the Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Computer class of Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School
Cardboard skeleton at Niani Upper & Senior Secondary School

For more information please click here and open the photos.


Central River Region
The Gambia

about 400 students

Niani Lower Basic School

Central River Region
The Gambia

about 300 students

(same complex)

& Families

in Bansang, Wassu, Ndoke etc.

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