Bansang Water Well Project

One of the water wells in Bansang is in dire need of updating. Defects and diseases are imminent.

The area around the taps has to be tiled so it can be kept clean and people don't have to wade trough mud and dirt. Especially during rainy season (flooding and severe storms) there is a high risk that the well will be damaged.

It must therefore be fixed and optimized accordingly. The piping from the water tank also needs to be improved and protected.


We are very grateful for the great support from all sides.

Many thanks to the donors who support our projects.

We still need your help please.



Please donate:



Purpose can be determined, otherwise the donation will be used for the most recent project.

Bank account of GAMBIAid:

IBAN: AT 31 3209 2000 0281 1289





Please support our work!



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