“Friday 22nd May Travelled to Wassu,although a long way drive but thank God I reached their safely around 5pm.
...Saturday 23rd May,1st day training at the Niani Junior and Senior Secondary School, where the 1st set of their teachers received the training. It was 10 in number, they all did very well and went home with their certificates and some First aid gifts was also handed to the participants. It was a nice session with questions and answers at the end of the course. The School First Aid Supplies (donated by GAMBIAid) were also explained to them in order to have a know how of how to use the stuffs. The supplies available there were mainly bandages,antiseptic wash,swabs (compresses),wound dressings and thermometers.We have gone through all of them.
Sunday 24th May, was the second day of the training were 13 people attended the course. Mr Kanyi was on this set and his Deputy head was also on the session.Including Four students who were also on the course. This was also a very nice and interesting course, were it ends with questions and answer, especially epilepsy which they said its common among the girls students, snakes bites were discuss and how to handle them, nose bleeding etc.We have went through the First Aid Supplies Available with them, which is well understood by all of them. All the Participants received their certificates, some first aid gifts were also given to all of them to take home. They were very proud to received the training and promise to make best used of their skills and also commented that ,they will share their skills not at the schools alone but up to communities level.
Before I shoot back to the coast the same afternoon,the Principal gives a Wonderful thank you speech for the entire team of First Aid 4 Gambia and their supporters,and also to their sponsor (GAMBIAid) who facilitate the transport.
I drove back the same afternoon to the coast, where I arrived around 9pm in the evening, though hectic but everything went very successful.”
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