Big up to all the donors

Thank you again to all the donors:




    school materials like crayons, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, glue, scissors etc. 










  transport of the container up to Banjul and transport of Mondi copy paper to our storage



  • Depot Lager- & Handels GmbH  
    free storage space, container loading, sickbeds, tools, chairs and office chairs


  • Central National Europe
    purchase of 1000 Christmas cards, mobiles, laptops, computers, D-Link network switch ports and other hardware


  • net informationstechnologie gmbh
    computers, laptops, all-in-one printer, screens, mice, keyboards, cables etc.


  • Dr. David Penney, University of Manchester, UK
    "Field Guide to Wildlife of The Gambia", "Common Spiders and Other Arachnids of the Gambia" and "Field Guide to the Butterflies of The Gambia" for the school library





  • American International School
    secondhand books for the school library 


  • E. M. Fletzberger  fashionable clothing and shoes (in mint condition)


  • Zoe F. clothes + shoes for children, soccerballs


  • Punzet Familie/Family 
    clothing for children and support to donation handling of the elementary school in St. Georgen.


  • Elfriede Kafka, Heidi Kofler + Team  
    Major donations of clothing, bed sheets, toys and shoes



  • Martina Kutscha printer and a variety of cables and plugs plus ideas/contacts etc.
  • Elina Karlsson Printer


  • Ida und Leo Koller
    support and contacts


  • Heinrich und Simone Schuster
    free van for donation's transport and support


  • and many others, that don't want to be mentioned here but made it possible to purchase the first aid materials, black boards, chalk, tools, light switches, power sockets, cables and everything for electric wiring, LED-tubes and bulbs, gardening equipment like watering cans, rakes,  educational materials, books, bookshelf, 35 extra solar powered desk lamps etc.


  • My own family for support and hard work over many months, donations like sewing machines, mattress for the reading corner, clothing, shoes, towels and many, many other things. And last but not least for our Peugeot 206CC which we took from Austria to the Gambia for getting around; small but sturdy and reliable.




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